Consulting Siobhan

Anyone wishing to make an appointment, is welcome to telephone me on either of the two contact numbers situated to the right of this page, or to Email me.

The course of Homoeopathic treatment typically consists of a first consultation lasting an hour or more, with subsequent appointments of half an hour each; follow up consultations are usually made monthly.

During the initial consultation, I will give you the opportunity to fully describe your complaints, together with any other factors which you feel might be affecting your health. I will take a full case-history (including details of your medical history), and of any medications you might currently be taking. I may also need to put questions to you regarding the health of your blood relatives, both past and present. Additionally, any factors which you consider otherwise unusual may well be of assistance.

Everything you say will be treated in strict confidence.

As a professional Homeopath, and based upon both my own diagnosis and the information that you provide, I will form a highly individualised picture of your well-being. Collation of all of the pertinent details will assist greatly in assessing correctly the most appropriate remedy I should prescribe to you.

Occasionally, it is necessary for me to analyse your case in even greater depth before prescribing, and in these cases, I will either send on the remedy, or arrange with you a suitable time for it to be collected from me.

My main surgery is situated at:

The Swansea Clinic Of Natural Medicines
20 Walter Road

Click on the following link for a

I am confident that I can help, and look forward to your enquiry!

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